School News

Getting ready for High School

Montreal - Thursday, September 5, 2019

The transition from elementary to high school is a major milestone for your child, and parents have an important role to play to ensure that this achievement is the least traumatic possible. For students at St. Monica, this milestone means finally graduating from the school and moving on to new opportunities

Many researchers agree that the transition from elementary to secondary school has a significant impact on student success and retention, so what can parents expect from their child? Many teens experience:

  • A detachment from parents to identify with others, such as a group of friends;
  • A heightened concern about what others think of him/her;
  • Hypersensitivity and mood swings;
  • A desire to demonstrate independence;
  • A desire to experience new things;
  • A tendency to contradict one’s self (for example, wants to showcase originality and differences,  while at the same time trying to fit into a group).

While most students quickly make the adjustment with few negative effects, some experience more serious difficulties. Problems often arise in one or more school subjects and appear to persist. For these students, the transition has a definite impact on their motivation and commitment to their education, which can contribute to a decrease in academic success, and in the most severe cases, a withdrawal from school.

To help in this transition, the ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport has put together a handy pamphlet to guide parents during this challenging period.  

What can I do to help?

Some young people experience a smooth transition to high school, while others have more difficulty. It is crucial for parents to keep a close eye on their children at this important time, and do what they can to make it easier.

What you can do to help your child:

  • Ensure that your child has quiet time and a dedicated space to complete homework.
  • Help your child develop good work habits, manage their time and set priorities in order to deal with school work in a disciplined manner and avoid procrastination and panic.
  • Regularly discuss situations experienced at school.
  • Be on the lookout for signs that your child is experiencing unusual difficulties.
  • Beginning in elementary school, stay in close contact with school staff. This is the best way to know what resources your child may have access to, especially during the high school transition.

Students who feel that their parents are interested in what they do at school are more motivated to persevere. It is often enough just to be there, to listen, to show an interest in his or her school work, to meet with teachers, to discuss issues that are dealt with in class and in the news, to encourage him or her to go to the library, to become involved in the school, and so on.

What services does my child’s school offer?

  • Many high schools organize ‘Open House’ events with school staff towards the end of the school year. Keep up-to-date on these special events and participate in them.
  • Many high schools offer students the opportunity to benefit from special types of educational programs (sports, theatre, languages, sciences, international baccalaureate programs, etc.). Learn about what the different schools offer in your area, and what may be best suited for your child. All secondary schools have unique educational project and follow their own success plans.
  • Visit websites, blogs, and Facebook pages of the schools that interest both you and your child. They are full of useful information to help your child  in the transition from elementary to secondary schooling.