Fee Structure
The Daycare fee structure is based on the student’s status in the daycare. A student’s status is designated as Regular, Sporadic or Occasional.
Regular: (For a maximum of five hours) |
$9.50/day |
Pedagogical Day: (For a total of 10 hours. Additional activity fees may apply) |
$15.00/day |
Sporadic + Occasional: (On regular school days) |
Fees are based on the blocks the student attends, partial or full, and varies per school depending on the time of each daycare period. |
A regular student is one who is registered and attending Daycare for a minimum of one to five days a week and a minimum of two periods a day. This applies to students who attend on a weekly basis and follow a fixed schedule.
A sporadic student is one who is registered and attending Daycare for one period a day (AM, LUNCH or PM). Please note that the lunch period is considered a block. A sporadic student is also someone who is registered and attends on a pedagogical day.
An occasional student is one who is registered but does not have a forecasted attendance and does not attend on a weekly basis. Daycare Services are needed for emergency purposes. The parent/guardian must give the daycare a 24-hour notice when possible and keep in mind that it is not a guarantee that their child(ren) will be put in the same daycare group as their classmates.